You’re not engaged with life:
Your life looks good on paper….mostly. There’s a feeling that the life you actually want isn’t possible? So why bother?
Getting ahead feels like a fantasy?
The amazing you that you are is buried under a feeling of chaos and exhaustion?
“Who am I?” let alone, “Who do I want to be?” is a tough question to answer.
All the ADHDs:
You don’t understand what SUCCESS looks like with your unique version of ADHD?
Maybe a close relative or your own child was diagnosed and you’re starting to put some pieces together, “Could I have the ADHDs?”
What you know about ADHD and how it works (Or doesn’t work!) in your own life is a mystery?
You’re ready to work! Self-help books, planners, timers, how to social media, and lists aren’t doing it anymore? Support groups seem full of complainers and not do’ers?
Family and relationships are suffering from the ADHD in the room and you need help?
How about “ADHD like:”
You don’t have ADHD but the social media, games, digital interruptions and “device” usage is out of hand! Maybe advice from an expert in managing distraction could help you re-engage with your life?